Hello and OMAR TA SATT dear light,
the sun is shining and the birds are chirping, spring is here again. The glow is so beautiful and the warmth is palpable, what a special time of year! I hope you are doing well and enjoying this wonderful time.
ASAH’A’YAAN continues to expand across Sol’A’Vana (Earths) and the waves of love, light and change are felt more and more deeply. With every breath the energies on our planet change and the vibrations of the energies expand. The veils have become very thin, barely noticeable and therefore the presence of the spirit world and the many wonderful light beings is so clearly close.
The duality inflates more and more during this time and the tension grows day by day. Don’t let the duality impress you, keep focusing on the beautiful, the good, the true and know: nothing unreal can remain. The transformations are progressing and the waves are clearly noticeable. Expand your light in the deepest trust and feel: Everything is good. You are protected. You’re never alone.