Newsletter January 23, 2024 - English Version

Hello and OMAR TA SATT dear light,

today I don’t want to take up so much of your time and briefly inform you about the ongoing ANTAARIS light technologies campaign.

The ANTAARIS light technologies carry very high energetic patterns of divine reality. They were explicitly created and brought to the planet for this time period. Each light technology has a healing effect in its assigned area and prepares people for the light field of Quin’Taas.

ANTAARIS Light Technologies Weeks
-25% from January 22nd to February 4th

Click here for ANTAARIS light technologies

Dive deeply into the energies of the channelings and feel what power and love lies embedded in the words. I wish you a lot of joy with it.

With all my love and light, I wish you a blessed and peaceful time.

AN’ANASHA (Gratitude)
Nijaz El’Nama’Dilaih Tanjo